Greetings Prairie Hawks,
We’d like to notify you of some upcoming network security updates. Our department is continuing to update security practices and this upcoming change will be a major revision to our current system.
Beginning Jan 3rd, 2022 we will be adding a 2nd wifi network (SSID). Currently, devices connect to the open wifi network ‘CCSD’. This new network will be for our staff and student devices only. Our end goal is to have a network specifically for school provided devices and a guest network. To that end we will not be broadcasting or providing credentials for our new production network. Rather, we will be deploying these credentials through our various device management systems.
What does this mean for you…. On and after January 3rd, the district owned and managed devices will be instructed to connect automatically to this new network. Beginning Jan 17th, (clerical day) we will be retiring the CCSD network and moving to a new CCSD-Guest network. This will be used for staff personally owned cell phones and guest presenter use. At the first of each month we will email STAFF with the updated password for the CCSD-Guest network. Please note, this is NOT intended to be for student personal devices so please do NOT share that information with students.
We are doing this to move toward further improving our network security. Also, this is done in response to our network bandwidth issues and hoping to ensure teaching and learning can take place using our provided technology with minimal disruption.
Please note, this will not be affecting EDGE or ECC at this time.
New Guest network will be starting on Jan 17th - Password emailed to staff monthly
Don’t share guest password with students.
District Devices will connect automatically to the production network starting Jan 3rd.
All of this done to improve network security and bandwidth.
As always, pass questions along as they arise.
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