We utilize Securly as our content filtering solution to meet CIPA (Child Internet Protection Act). The version of Securly that we use is a certificate based filter and devices that want to access the internet on our Campus network need the certificate installed on the device along with authentication with your @crprairie account.
Securly has issued a new certificate that must be installed on any machine that accesses the internet on our network. This must be done by January 1, 2020. So, whether that is your mobile smart phone, school issued device, or anything else. Updated certificates and installers can be found on our website here: http://www.prairiepride.org/procedures/securly.php
We have already updated student Chromebooks and MacBooks for HS students. We will work with building tech staff to update iPads and MacBooks that elementary schools may have.
Please reach out if you have any issues or questions!
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