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Follow up FAQ from Securly update

We've been getting a lot of questions about my last post and Securly Certificate installation and personal cell phones/mobile devices, so I want to provide you with a few of the more prevalent questions and answers to those. 

1. Do I have to have Securly on my phone. 

No, you do not have to have the Securly Certificate on your cell phone. You do not have to connect your cell phone to the CCSD network here on Campus if you don't want to. Also, if you do want to connect to the CCSD network, you should still be able to access email from a mail app (gmail, apple mail, etc) or a calendar application (Google Calendar, Apple Calendar, etc) from your phone without the Securly certificate installed.

2. Some of us have noticed recently that we are unable to do a search on chrome when connected to the wireless. It says connection not private or something like that. Any idea why? Will this update help? 

If you want to connect to the CCSD network and do searches on Safari, Chrome, etc from your cell phone or personal device, you will need to have the Securly certificate installed on your phone and also have authenticated to your @crprairie email account in the same browser (log into gmail in the browser). If you do both of these things if you want to browse the internet in Safari, Chrome, on your phone IF you are connected to the CCSD network. 

3. I wanted to check--when I went to load the certificate on my phone, it had a statement that "the issuer of this certificate may inspect all traffic to and from the device."  I wanted to ask whether that is only when I am only using school wifi or if that applies to all times I use my phone?

This will only be when you are connected to the CCSD network. It does nothing if not connected to the network. 


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